Susie West Interview – Manor Mill Podcast- to be launched in early June!

I’m so excited to announce our inaugural video-podcast with an interview with Susie West of the Monkton Road Band. Our podcast theme at the Mill is to explore how musicians and artists (and all of us) weave creative expression into our lives. This theme is at the center of what Manor Mill is all about–surrounding oneself with people, music, artwork, poetry…everything and anything that can inspire and provide some joy and grounding.

I’ve been such a huge fan of Monkton Roads Band since I first heard them in 2022. The full group, including Talbot Mayo, Jody West, Bill Mayo and Dave Rich, have a rich blend of country soul, country shuffle, and roots rock (with a touch of bluegrass). The intertwining of Susie’s soft, melodic vocals and Talbot’s playful mountain twang are truly captivating and their songs are relatable and stick, which is the ultimate test of good songwriting.

So stay tuned for early June when the Mill launches the first in an ongoing series of podcasts. We’re still working out details on hosting platforms so you can listen in your car, or while walking or biking along the NCR. These details will be announced soon. Count on being inspired by Susie, whose musical journey started in her teens and traveled from Nashville to LA and back into the rolling hills of Monkton, Maryland.

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Volunteer efforts for the Manor Mill Podcast are partially supplied by Probst Team of Cummings and Co. Realtors – dedicated to supporting the arts in our community.

Author: Emerson Probst

Partner in Probst Team Real Estate of Cummings & Co. Serving Maryland and Southern PA. Seniors Real Estate Specialist. Founder and organizer of "Hootenanny" jams for charitable causes related care for Veterans with PTSD.

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